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Statistic 25 April 2024

The Rise of Smartphones in Indonesia: Trends and User Behavior

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Writen by Dirga Nugraha

Viewed 14 min read

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Smartphones have become an integral part of daily life for millions of people worldwide, and Indonesia is no exception. With almost 200 million smartphone users in 2023, Indonesia is the fourth-largest smartphone market globally.

This surge in smartphone usage has reshaped various aspects of Indonesian society, from communication and entertainment to commerce and beyond. So, let’s delve into the trends and user behaviors driving this phenomenon!

The Increasing Number of Smartphone Users in Indonesia Over the Years

Blog Image of the Increasing Number of Smartphone Users in Indonesia

Indonesia’s mobile internet usage has experienced significant growth alongside the proliferation of smartphones. According to Statista, the estimated number of smartphone users in Indonesia surpassed 190 million in 2023.

This growth is attributed to various factors, including the widespread availability of affordable smartphones and the continuous rise of mobile internet penetration.

In addition to the rapid increase in the number of smartphone users, the smartphone penetration rate in Indonesia has also shown significant growth over the years. The smartphone penetration rate refers to the share of the total population using smartphones.

Another data from Statista shows that in 2023, the smartphone penetration rate in Indonesia stood at 82.26%, marking a substantial increase from previous years (68.1% in 2022, 64.8% in 2021, and 58.6% in 2020). This upward trend is expected to continue in the coming years, with forecasts indicating a penetration rate of 97% by 2029.

Despite the rapid expansion, challenges remain, particularly in advancing network technologies. Due to limited connectivity, the adoption of 5G networks lags behind, necessitating extensive infrastructure development.

The rise of mobile e-commerce is another significant trend driven by smartphone usage in Indonesia. With more than half of all smartphone users in the country making online purchases, Indonesia has become a highly sought-after market for e-commerce players, both local and global, as highlighted by Statista.

Moreover, the Indonesian app market has witnessed exponential growth, fueled by the burgeoning smartphone user base. According to Business of Apps, Indonesia’s app market in 2023 has earned $788 million, with TikTok emerging as the top-grossing app.

The country’s increasing reliance on smartphones has also led to a surge in demand for utility apps, such as browsers and productivity tools.

Insights on Smartphone Users in Indonesia

Blog Image of Insights on Smartphone Users in Indonesia

Now, let’s dig deeper into the insights on smartphone users in Indonesia, including details regarding age demographics, gender distribution, and the preferred operating systems (OS). As quoted from Start.io, here are the details:

  • Age

    Smartphone users in Indonesia come from various age groups, with the majority, 64.9%, falling into the 18-24 age bracket.

    Following this group, there is significant representation from the 25-34 age group, constituting 32.6% of smartphone users.

    The older demographics, including those aged 35 and above, make up a smaller percentage, with users aged 55 and above comprising only 0.4%

  • Gender

    Regarding gender distribution, female smartphone users outnumber their male counterparts, with 77.2% being female and 22.8% male. This indicates a slightly higher prevalence of female smartphone usage in Indonesia.

  • OS (Operation System)

    Overall, Android dominates the smartphone market in Indonesia, commanding a staggering 95% share.

    Meanwhile, iOS, the operating system used in Apple devices, holds a much smaller portion of the market, accounting for only 5% of smartphone users in the country.

    This indicates a strong preference for Android devices among Indonesian smartphone users.

Factors Affecting Smartphone Demand in Indonesia

In understanding the dynamics of smartphone demand in Indonesia, several key factors come into play, shaping consumers’ preferences and purchasing behaviors. According to a study published in the International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020), these factors include:

  • Product Features

    Product features play a pivotal role in driving smartphone demand in Indonesia. With the rapid advancements in technology, consumers are increasingly seeking devices that offer a wide range of features to cater to their diverse needs.

    Smartphones equipped with wireless connectivity, high-resolution displays, advanced camera capabilities, and robust operating systems tend to attract more consumers’ attention.

    Additionally, the availability of various applications and multimedia functions adds value to smartphones, enhancing the overall user experience.

    Indonesian consumers are discerning and look for products that align with their preferences and lifestyles, making product features a crucial determinant in their purchasing decisions.

    Moreover, the popularity of certain features can sway consumer preferences and drive demand. For instance, the camera quality and operating system are among the most sought-after features by smartphone users in Indonesia.

    These features not only influence consumers’ perceptions of product quality but also impact their satisfaction levels.

  • Price

    Price sensitivity is another significant factor influencing the increasing trend of smartphone usage in Indonesia. While consumers value product features and performance, they are also mindful of their budget constraints.

    Price is a key determinant in shaping consumers’ perceptions of value and affordability. In a price-conscious market like Indonesia, consumers tend to associate higher prices with better quality, but they also seek value for money.

    Therefore, smartphone manufacturers must balance offering competitive prices and delivering value-added features to attract consumers. Pricing strategies such as promotional discounts, installment plans, and bundling offers can effectively influence purchasing decisions and stimulate demand.

    Additionally, affordability plays a crucial role in expanding smartphone adoption, particularly among price-sensitive segments of the population.

  • Social Influences

    Social influences also exert a significant impact on Indonesia’s smartphone demand, shaping consumer attitudes, preferences, and behaviors.

    Peer recommendations, media exposure, and societal trends influence consumer perceptions of smartphones and brand preferences. Indonesians are highly influenced by the opinions of their peers, family members, and online communities when purchasing.

    Moreover, cultural factors and societal norms influence consumers’ perceived status and identity, driving their preferences for certain smartphone brands or models. For instance, the popularity of certain brands among celebrities or social media influencers can significantly impact consumer perceptions and purchasing behaviors.

    As such, marketers must leverage social influencers and digital platforms to engage with Indonesian consumers and cultivate brand loyalty effectively.

Indonesian Smartphone Users’ Behavior

Indonesian smartphone users’ behavior can generally be observed with two key aspects: screen time and mobile app preference. Let’s delve into the details below:

  • Screen Time

    According to a report by Data.ai, Indonesian consumers spend over six hours daily on mobile apps, surpassing the global average. Despite a slight decrease from 6.14 hours per day in 2022 to 6.05 hours in 2023, the screen time remains notably high.

    This extensive usage reflects the pervasive role of smartphones in daily life, serving as primary devices for communication, entertainment, and productivity.

    The substantial screen time is predominantly allocated to various categories of mobile apps. Entertainment and social media genres dominate, collectively consuming a significant portion of users’ screen time.

    Video-based entertainment apps like YouTube and TikTok are particularly popular, with Indonesian users spending billions of hours collectively on these platforms.

    Additionally, messaging apps like WhatsApp, social networking platforms like Instagram, and web browsers such as Google Chrome also contribute substantially to users’ screen time.

  • Mobile Apps Category

    In Indonesia, mobile apps cater to diverse interests and needs, reflecting the varied preferences of smartphone users.

    Gaming emerges as a dominant category, with mobile games attracting millions of downloads and significant user engagement. As quoted from Adjust.com, here are 5 top mobile apps category in this country:

    • Mobile Games
    • Utilities
    • Entertainment
    • Fintech
    • Photography

Most Popular Mobile Apps in Indonesia

Blog Image of Most Popular Mobile Apps in Indonesia

As mentioned above, mobile apps in Indonesia have a diverse range of interests and needs. Here are the details of 5 most popular mobile app categories in Indonesia:

  • Mobile Games

    Mobile gaming is a massive phenomenon in Indonesia, capturing users’ attention across all age groups. Some of the most popular games are Free Fire, Ludo King, and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

  • Utilities

    Utility apps are essential for Indonesians, providing convenient solutions for various tasks. Browsers, productivity tools, and photo/video editors are among the most downloaded utility apps in the country.

  • Entertainment

    Streaming apps, such as YouTube and TikTok, lead the entertainment category, providing endless hours of video-based content. Indonesians tend to enjoy watching movies, series, music videos, and short clips, contributing to the significant growth of this mobile app category.

  • Fintech

    Fintech apps are gaining momentum in Indonesia, transforming how people manage their finances and transactions. With the rise of digital payments and mobile banking, apps like GoPay and OVO have become popular. These apps offer convenience, security, and rewards, driving the adoption of cashless payments.

  • Photography

    Photography apps offer tools for capturing and editing stunning images. With smartphones equipped with advanced camera technology, users can unleash their photography skills and enhance their photos with editing apps. These apps empower users to express their creativity and share captivating visuals, from filters to effects.


Overall, Indonesia’s exponential smartphone usage growth reflects the country’s rapid digital transformation. Also, it has revolutionized consumer behavior and market dynamics in Indonesia.

These insights present vast opportunities for businesses and marketers to tap into this dynamic market. Localization and tailored strategies will be key for foreign mobile app developers to unlock the full potential of this vibrant and diverse market landscape.

tags: Statistic, Indonesian, Mobile Phone

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